Todoist Repeating Tasks


Setting up recurring tasks is simple and straightforward, and it’s much easier for me to just pull up my list every day and see what I have to do instead of having to build that list every day. Time is money, after all. The power in Todoist, of course, is the granularity you can use when building your recurring tasks.

  1. Remove the date, save the task, and re-add the date. Delete the task and create a new task with the same name and date. This has happened on multiple separate recurring tasks that I have and in both cases, the tasks used recurring dates with 'every!' If change those dates to 'every.' The issue seems to go away.
  2. To postpone a recurring task, use the task scheduler by right-clicking (Web, Windows, macOS) or swiping left (iOS, Android) and pick a new date from there. If you type out a new date for a.
  3. In Todoist, you can make sure you never miss a thing by adding due dates and/or times to your tasks. You can even create recurring or repeating due dates like “Send Mom a birthday card every July 19” and “Take out the recycling every other Wednesday”. How to set a due date (or a recurring due date).
  4. Using recurring and repeating tasks in Todoist is a great way to save time and stay on top of tasks that happen more than once.The basic set up is the same a.
Natural language for entering task due dates, priority, tags and project
Pascal Zweipfenning
One of the great features of Todoist is the possibility of entering tasks using natural language including labels, due dates and the project. All can be added without a single click. This and the mobile app is one of the reasons I switched back to Todoist (hopefully for a short period).
Geethanadh Padavala
I don't think this is complete, it just gives a quick short cut, todoist does a lot that we can do everything on a single line, that is the only reason i can't switch out of it to anything else :(
Mary M Cavanaugh
I don't understand how the clickup team can consider these requests to add natural language task creation as 'complete!' The 'slash entry' method is a step up from having to click on each entry item, but it is still very time-consuming and confusing.
This is one of the 4 areas where ToDoIst WAY outperforms clickup, and for that reason I am keeping my subscription to Todoist active while I try converting to clickup.
(fwiw, the other 3 places where Todoist way outperforms clickup are (2) Views (completely customizable, multi-level sorting/filtering, etc); (3) Simplicity & space-efficiency of how task lists & details are displayed (clickup is so freaking complicated, with checklists & subtasks & comments & descriptions.. at least let the user choose what s/he wants to see!); and (4) ease & usability of tags.
Frank Arnold
Todoist is the best example how it should work. write: 'buy bread 12.4 14:00' and it will create the task with time and reminder. Add something like 'every day/month/year' and you set a recurring task.
The idea with the command trigger '/' is not bad but it's not the same as people expect from a native language parser.
@Frank Arnold: yes, Todoist is the master of this game :)
Slash command is not exactly a 'natural language' even if it can definitely speed up the process of creating task :)
However, do you plan, for example, to support something like :
'Read an article starting in 2 days every 3 days for 1 months p2 !my_list #label1'
'Read an article' with due date in 2 days, that repeat every 3 days until 1 month with a priority normal, with label 'label1' and set in the list 'my_list' ?

Todoist Repeating Tasks 2

Londya England
is it possible to say 'in x work days' or 'weekdays'?
marked this post as
August 1, 2018
Rick Reumann
This would be very helpful for us. Often times I want to create a quick task based on an 'issue found' status and it's a pain to have to open the task just to set the status. It would be nice to have it like you do for 'priority' or 'due date' and jus a quick toggle directly from the list view. Thanks!
@Rick Reumann: Just to clarify, if you do this from the 'New Task' popup, you can set a status there. I'll be renaming this to specifically be for inside List View. :)
Rick Reumann

Todoist Repeating Tasks Template

@Jorgen: Exactly! Funny, I was never using that . I'll start entering it from there.I was always using the 'new task' right next to the list in the list view.
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Using recurring and repeating tasks in Todoist is a great way to save a lot of time and to stay on top of all of your tasks that occur regularly, or at least more than once.

When setting up a task in Todoist, to make it recurring you fill out the task information as you normally would, but when it comes to the time / date field you make some small changes. Adobe premiere pro cs5 mac full download.

For example, if you want a daily reminder you would type in “every day” in the date field and it would become recurring every day (remember – every day is ever day, including weekends!). If you only want weekdays you would type in “every weekday”.

There’s lots of date formatting options that gives repeating tasks a lot of flexibility – you can find more of them here on the Todoist date formatting guide.

This is also important to know about if you are using IFTTT and Todoist – you’ll need to make sure you have your date formatting correct or you may run into some real issues.

(You can find out more about integrating IFTTT and Todoist to automate some really handy processes here: IFTTT & Todoist Gmail Automation Article)

Another area where date formatting for recurring tasks can come in handy is setting start and end dates.

As an example, let’s say you had a project with a new task that came up, but you only need reminders through the end of the week. If today was March 23 and Friday was March 25, you would type in “every day ending March 25”. You can also do this for starting dates to set up a recurring task in the future!

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