Golang Cheat Sheet

Go string handling overview cheat sheet 40+ essential string functions: literals, concatenation, equality, ordering, indexing, UTF-8, search, join, replace, split, trim, strip, lowercase/uppercase. Go Cheat Sheet Credits Most example code taken from A Tour of Go, which is an excellent introduction to Go. Golang cheat sheet programming language reference card. Golang Cheat Sheet by deleted - Cheatography.com Created Date: 3158Z. Golang Cheatsheet As I’m learning a new language, it’s a very useful exercise for me to summarize the essence of the language for future personal reference. Golang is an excellent language to learn, and instead of having to Google and juggling between Go’s Playground, StackOverflow, Golang’s Documentation, it’s a lot nicer to have my.

Golang Cheat Sheet

It’s a reverse dictionary of printing format of fmt package. It let you find the right verbs from desired output quickly.

the value in a default format%v
type of the value%T
+255Always show sign%+d
‘ÿ’Single quoted%q
377Octal without leading '0’%o
0377Octal with leading '0’%#o
ffHex lowercase%x
FFHex uppercase%X
0xffHex with “0x”%#x
U+00FF 'ÿ’Unicode with char%#U
| 1|
| 12|
| 123|
| 1234|
|1 |
|12 |
|123 |
|1234 |
Minimum width=5. Expand if wider.%5d
%-5d (Left justify)
| 1|
| 12|
| 123|
| 1234|
|1 |
|12 |
|123 |
|1234 |
Width=5. Truncate right if wider.fmt.Printf(“%s”, fmt.Sprintf(“%5d”, value)[:5]))
fmt.Printf(“%s”, fmt.Sprintf(“%-5d”, value)[:5])) (Left justify)
fmt.Printf(“|%5.5s|n”, strconv.Itoa(value))
fmt.Printf(“|%-5.5s|n”, strconv.Itoa(value)) (Left justify)
| 1|
| 12|
| 123|
| 1234|
|1 |
|12 |
|123 |
|1234 |
Width=5. Truncate left if wider.fmt.Printf(“%5d”, val % 100000)
fmt.Printf(“%-5d”, val % 100000) (Left justify)
|0012345|Pad with '0’ (Right justify only)%07d
original%f (=%.6f)
6 digits after decimal
%e (=%.6e)
6 digits after decimal
smallest number of digits necessary

Data Types


value never changes, can be number, bool, or string

const s string = 'banana'

get type of data structure

import reflect
myVar := 'blah'

int8 (-128 to 127)
int16 (-32,768 to 32,767)
int32 (2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647)
int64 (-9,223,372,036,854,775,808 to 9,223,372,036,854,775,807)
uint8, 16, 32, 64
float 32, 64

Structs (similar to Class)

type person struct {
name string
age int
func main() {
fmt.Println(person{'bob', 20}) ## {bob, 20}
s := person{'joe',35}
fmt.Println(s.name) ## joe


var a [5]int
b := [5]int{1, 2, 3, 4, 5}
fmt.Println('array is:', b)

double array
array := [2][4]int{{1,2,3,4}, {5,6,7}}

Hashes / Dictionary (Map)

package main
import 'fmt'
func main() {
prices := make(map[string]float64)
prices['OCKOPROG'] = 89.99
prices['ALBOÖMME'] = 129.99
prices['TRAALLÅ'] = 49.99
for key, value := range prices {
fmt.Printf('Key: %stValue: %vn', key, value)

Slice (Dynamic Array)

Slices dont store data, they are sections/slices of an array
primes := [6]int{2,3,5,7,11,13} #array of prime numbers
var s []int = primes[1:4] # slice of prime array, values are from 1 to 4 index
var s []int = primes[:4] # slice, values from 0 to 4 index
len(s) # length of slice
cap(s) # max length of slice

Map - like a python Dictionary


read in a struct, generate a pretty print JSON

Golang Cheat Sheet Pdf


Kernel string`json:'kernel'`
KernelVersion string`json:'kernel version'`

ret:= OperatingSystem{
KernelRelease: '123',
LSBRelease: 'linux mint',

data, _:= json.MarshalIndent(ret, ', ' ')


For Loop
Reviewsif / Else
Switch Case
}## 1+2 = 3
multiple-value return function
func SumAndProduct(A, B int) (added, multiplied int) {
added = A+B
multiplied = A*B
return added, multiplied


func myFunc() {
i := 0

Here: // label ends with ':'
goto Here //jump to label 'Here'


package main
import (
var name = flag.String('name', 'world', 'some name')Cheat
// var name, default value, description of param
func main() {
flag.Parse() //turn params into vars
fmt.Printf('hello %s', *name)

Rust Syntax Cheat Sheet